
By Mark
Episode Title: Adrift

Duration: 48 minutes and 32 seconds

Written by: Chris Chibnall

Directed by: Mark Everest

Transmission Date: 19th March 2008

Ratings: 2.52 million

Synopsis: When a local teenager disappears, Gwen is drawn into an investigation that reveals a darker side of Torchwood, as Doctor Who writer Russell T Davies' award-winning drama continues. Hundreds of people have disappeared without trace, but Jack is obstructing attempts to find them. The answer seems to lie in the rift - literally - and as Gwen follows the trail, she makes a shocking discovery.

Cast List: Captain Jack Harkness - John Barrowman
Gwen Williams - Eve Myles
Toshiko Sato - Naoko Mori
Ianto Jones - Gareth David-Lloyd
Owen Harper - Burn Gorman
Rhys Williams — Kai Owen
PC Andy Davidson — Tom Price
Nikki Bevan — Ruth Jones
Jonah Bevan — Robert Pugh
Young Jonah — Oliver Ferriman
Helen — Lorna Gayle