
Duration: 48 minutes and 6 seconds
Written by: James Moran
Directed by: Colin Teague
Transmission Date: 23rd January 2008
Ratings: 3.78 million
Synopsis: When a burglary turns into a slaughter, Torchwood suspects alien involvement. Who is Beth, and can she be as innocent as she seems? But when the investigation escalates into a city-wide assault, Jack realizes that the whole planet is in danger.
Cast List: Captain Jack Harkness - John Barrowman
Gwen Cooper - Eve Myles
Owen Harper - Burn Gorman
Toshiko Sato - Naoko Mori
Ianto Jones - Gareth David-Lloyd
Beth Halloran - Nikki Amuka-Bird
Mike Lyndon - Dyfed Potter
David — Doug Rollins
David's wife — Claire Cage
Mr A Grainger — Sean Carlson
Mrs C Grainger — Victoria Pugh
Burglar 1 — Luke Rutherford
Burglar 2 — Alex Harries
Police officer — Dominic Coleman
Boy — William Hughes
Girl — Millie Philippart
Driver — Matthew Arwel Pegram
Paramedic — Derek Lea